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Chorley SSP
Age - Year 5/6 Ratio - B/G Squad - 6 squad, 3 on court.
Please book on if you are free. You will be responsible for a marshal point
Age - Y3/4 - 4pm till 4.45pm - Y5/6 4.45pm till 5.30pm Ratio - B/G max of 8 Squad - Max of 8 per gender...
Please book on if you are free. You will be responsible for a station
Age - Year 5/6 Ratio - B/G (3 for both) Squad - 6 in a squad (3 boys and 3 girls), 4 in a team...
Please book on if you are free. You will be responsible for a station.
Book Wednesday OR Thursday Dates : 30th April 7th May 14th May 21st May Final 12th June
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